Johns Hopkins Video of my story

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Do you put your toe in the water or jump in?

"Are you going to finish the Costa Rica Adventure blogs soon?" When my friend asked me this the other day, I knew I had to at least post a short explanation since SO many of you have asked me to finish the story (and post the much hyped zipline video already!)

...and while many of you know why I haven't, some really don't know and think I'm the world's worst blogger or procrastinator, which might be true, but there has been something else...

The short answer is that I had a major surgery--a large tumor and 20% of my pancreas were removed. We also relocated to the DC Metro area. And while I have recovered from the actual surgical procedure...the mystery of why it happened and why I still have pain is yet to be uncovered.

I will start blogging again, when, I don't know for sure, but consider this my toe in the water.